Blackjack 12 vs 3

You play blackjack using the standard four-deck rules. While the dealer shows his face up card three you are dealt 5 and 7 for a hard 12. Make sure you only get one hit.

Make sure you only get one hit. You’ll have to hit your hand. Any card you draw will increase your new three-card total beyond what your basic strategy would require you to hit.

The blackjack 12 vs 3 strategy is similar to the dynamics of a 12 vs 2 situation. If you don’t play this hand, you win about 1.5% more of your hands.

You will click 5% of the time with the dealer. Sometimes the reason you make a certain play is NOT to win more than you lose (because that’s not always possible) or to win more often than you would otherwise.

Remember that every now and then you will be asked to face a potentially breaking hand against the dealer’s “hard” face-up. If your potential gain cannot outweigh your potential loss, do not move against the recommended basic strategy.

Blackjack is a “smarter” game than the same roulette, slots or baccarat, where winning is more a matter of chance and depends less on the skill of the player. Blackjack is the opposite. Correct assessment of the situation and the ability to calculate risks are the most important conditions for a successful game. Based on probability theory, mathematical players have long ago calculated the optimal solutions for each blackjack combination, creating universal strategies that have long proven their effectiveness.

Any blackjack strategy is based on the correct moves of the player, who is guided by the desire to win. There are several of them. In blackjack, the basic strategy increases the player’s advantage over the best casino online in canada by 0.5%. It is suitable for beginners and is based on basic rules. You should not forget that the main task of the game is to beat the dealer and to know well what the denominations of the cards mean.

Correct card counting in blackjack

To fully count the cards in blackjack, you need to remember which cards came out. Several useful methods will help in this. You should not forget that the main task of the game is to beat the dealer and to know well what the denominations of the cards mean.

How can a card-counting system help in blackjack? The player determines the probability of which cards will fall, and has an idea of ​​​​the points and combinations. It is worth using such schemes only at a long distance of a hundred, or better, a thousand hands. This will give the player an advantage.

In 1962, the basic “plus-minus” system appeared, which was improved over time. It allows you to understand how to learn how to count cards in blackjack.


Some basic strategy games are not that intuitive, so players don’t play them correctly. In this video, we’ll show you three counterintuitive basic strategies. Therefore blackjack 12 vs 3 is one of the best strategies.